Maximum RPM

Brakes and clutches must be operated below their maximum RPM rating.


Brakes may lock-up if run above rated RPM.

Usually the slip heat dissipation rating is the governing factor on how fast a brake may run in a certain application, and not MAX RPM. Slip heat formulas determine limits of simultaneous torque and RPM, to prevent overheating.


The input shaft will lock-up to the output shaft if the input shaft is run above rated RPM.

Other factors will limit the maximum allowable RPM. If vibration is present (from such sources as vibratory parts feeders) and the clutch is allowed to freewheel for long periods of time (the clutch is de-energized, and the output shaft is not restrained), the clutch is more likely to lock-up. To prevent lock-up, reduce the max. RPM by perhaps 1/3.

If the clutch is energized, and run without slip (the input RPM = output RPM), the clutch may be run up to rated torque and rated RPM simultaneously (since no slip heat is generated).

Slip heat should be calculated to determine slip RPM limits.

Note: Slip RPM= (Input RPM - Output RPM).

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