Beware of these people

Please be aware of the following people pictured below.  Consider them armed and dangerous.  If you see them, stay away and contact me immediately. 

This page may be frightening and unsuitable for children!!!!!

This is Juan Gucciano.  He has a pillow fetish and is known to go great lengths to steal pillows.  If you find pillows missing from your house some day, he has probably struck. This is Spanky D. Monkey, a former fashion model turned bad when he became addicted to adult movies.  His fortune wasted from watching 20 hours a day, he was forced to sell his ears in the black market.  He now breaks into underwear drawers looking for movies.
Meet  Dr. Lorena Meatbeater.  Once a reknowned biologist, she became eccentric after working with a highly reactive genetic fertilizer.  Now gone insane, instead of curing world hunger, her goal  is to become the perfect vegetable.  As warning, never eat phallic shaped vegetables from your garden. Private Daniel Domingo was a career Navy seaman until the day he decided to become a woman.  Don't let him fool you.  When clean shaven with makeup and long hair, he very much resembles a female.  When he's not playing the crying game, he hangs out at interstate rest stops gratifying his manhood.
I GOTCHA!!!!!!!!
Angel?..........I think NOT!!!!!!!