The Search For God
a book by Rev. George R. Ingham

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My name is Reverend George R. Ingham. I'm retired, sixty-seven years of age, and have written a book called The Search For God. This book is about man's historical involvement with the stars, planets and other natural phenomena.

In this book, I explore probable reasons why religion and myth developed and why both (especially our spirituality) are important to each of us living today, as we sort out history from myth and fact from fiction.

I explore such topics as philosophy, the environment, religion, cosmology and other areas of modern and ancient science, discussing reasons why we laugh at jokes, fear certain subjects (as one would find in the writings of Nostrodamus), get angry at religious discussion, reasons why man is here, and what our own search for a Holy Grail is all about.

The religion I discuss is not the tradional hell-fire and brimestone type, but instead, a religion which teaches respect for the environment and each other. This is the same spiritual thinking experienced by aboriginal peoples the world over.

I am seeking a publisher who might be interested in my work. I am open to all comments and suggestions which may be helpful in getting this book published. My USPS address and phone number are available only upon request via email.

Gaseous Pillars M16 | HST WFPC2 | PRC95-44a ST Scl OPO
      November 2, 1995 | J. Hester and P. Scowen (AZ State Univ.),

Image above and other images from the Hubble Space Telescope can be found here. To read about the source of the image above, click here. NASA keeps their copy of the source of the above image here


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This page (c) 1999-2000 by Rev. George R. Ingham, last updated on 25-Oct-2000 by