Elizabeth's Page


"I am my own search engine".

This whole thing started when Elizabeth's friends stated that she had enough bookmarks in her browser to create her own search engine. Shortly thereafter, our system crashed, but lo and behold, within two weeks she had all her bookmarks back! At this point it was determined that she was her own search engine, and things have progressed from there. If she doesn't know where it is on the net, she can find it, and if she can't find it, chances are it doesn't exist! Here's a few clues as to where she gets her information.

Northern Light

This is her favorite search engine. With the folder tree on the left side, it really helps to narrow the search.

The MP3 Master list

For the latest and greatest in MP3 music. If it's on the web, you can get there from here.


SOAR stands for Searchable Online Archive of Recipes. If you can cook it, you can find out how and what you need from here.

Avatar Search

Merry Meet and Blessed be! This is the search engine for all things Wiccan. It seems to be a bit of an underground, so try not to rattle the leaves on your way through!

Serial Numbers

Have you ever lost the serial number from one of your programs, or maybe never had one? Here's a list, alphabetized by the program title. The buttons at the top take you to their corresponding letter.

Web MD

Need answers to a medical question? Or do you just want to know what the heck the common cold really is? This is the place to find the answers.

The Darwin Awards

Did you ever wonder where all the stupid people go? Or say to yourself "Now who would pull a stupid stunt like that?" Well, clicking on this link will take you to the answers.

Main Page

Brian's Page

Nathaniel's Page

Stephen's Page