Marjorie G. Light

163 Prospect Avenue

Plattsburgh, NY 12901




Stafford Middle School, City of Plattsburgh. 1999 - present. Currently teaching 7th grade English, using a team approach with Social Studies, Math, and Science. Work closely with the team social studies teacher and other 7th grade team to develop comprehensive learning units. Participates in numerous school activities.

Saranac Central High School. 1998 - 1999. Taught two years of English 10 and Regents English 11. Used innovative lessons plans to effectively prepare students for the rigorous NYSELA regents. Incorporated technology into classroom using the five classroom i-macs received by writing a proposal to the district. Left to teach in my home district.

Seton Catholic Central High School. 1997- 1998. Taught English 10, English as a Second Language (ESL), and Advanced ESL. Taught approximately 140 students in 1997-1998. Was actively involved in a myriad of school functions. Left to teach in a public school district.

Plattsburgh State University College. (PSUC) Fall 1997 and Spring 1998. Taught freshman composition classes (ENG101) for two semesters. The course concentrates on the writing process and techniques,and essay and research papers. Received high student evaluation ratings. Classes average 22 students.

Plattsburgh City School District. February to June 1997. Substitute teaching in high school, middle school, and elementary. Repeatedly requested by teachers.

Carousel Children's Consignment Store. Employee from February 1993 - March 1995. Owned and operated from March 1995 to June 1996.

Director of Public Relations,Student Association. PSUC 1994-1995. Used PageMaker and MSWord and Works publicizing college events. Created Student Handbook.


Master's of Science in Teaching, SUNY Plattsburgh. Dec. 1996. 4.0 g.p.a.

Bachelor of Science in English, with a minor in Business. SUNY Plattsburgh. Graduated 1989. Dean's List various semester.

Legal Secretarial Degree, OLVA Secretarial School. May 1983. Graduated with highest honors. Selected Student of the Month.

High School Diploma, Mount Assumption Institute. June 1979. Graduated in the top 10% of my class. Concentrated on the humanities. Received the Quill and Scroll Award for journalism. Participated in a myriad of activities.


Creating a Web Page - Class through North Country Teacher Resource Center. July 1998. Learned PageMill and designed a web site for my English class.

NYS English Regents - October 1998. Attended conference in Albany to rate the prototype English regents scheduled for June 1998. Learned the rubric used to grade the tasks, as well as the new tasks.

Block Scheduling In Service Day - September 1998. Attended a conference with Seton Catholic. Networked with another high school which utilizes block scheduling.

PSUC Technology Grant - September 1996 to present. Member via graduate program. Worked with local team teachers who utilize technology. Assigned a mentor and laptop. Attended numerous workshops on technology in education.


NYSUT - Member via substitute work

UUP (United University Professionals) - Member through PSUC

Phi Kappa Phi - National Honor Society. Though PSUC

Adirondack Youth Orchestra Board - a local organization designed to promote an orchestral experience for area youth

City of Plattsburgh Centennial Committee - a group charged with the planning of the 2002 celebration, appointed by the City Counselors and Mayor.


Tutor - Held review sessions after school for five weeks to aid international students in preparing for the TOEFUL test (a national English evaluation test).

Artist In Residence - Worked with visiting singer / storyteller Ben Tousley in an event filled week, culminating with a school-wide presentation.

Humanities Night - An event highlighting student works in the humanities.

Chaperone - Jr. Prom, Sophomore Hop, International Student Montreal trip

Broad Street School - Reading Committee; Book Buddies program committee design and implementation. Performed at Scary Story Night, a thespian reading event. Overnight chaperone for fifth grade Great Escape / Lake George Trip.

SUNY Plattsburgh - Student Association. During my P.R. work in this office, I became involved in a myriad of student activities - from leadership conference planning to concerts.


Literature, Anglophile, local history, weekend jaunts, aspiring writer