Human Development
Grade 8
Mrs. Charles


Human Development is a 10 week course that meets every day

  1. Requirements: You will need a folder, looseleaf paper and a pen or pencil daily. There is no textbook, so the folder is essential to maintain the handouts you will be given.

  2. Assignments: All assignments will be posted on the board. All absent work must be made up. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!!! Complete homework will receive a "check", incomplete or failure to turn in work =0.

  3. Sensitivity: Please respect the thoughts and feelings of your classmates. Putdowns and judgemental comments will not be tolerated!! Dare to share and care!

  4. Room and Materials: Always pick up after yourself and put materials back where you found them.

  5. Assertive Discipline Plan: This should be easy since you are already familar with the rules and consequences!
    Follow all directions without comment or arguement.
    Be in assigned seat ready to work when the bell rings.
    Talk only with permission.
    Keep all objects to yourself.
    Avoid Name-calling and putdowns.

    1st offense= warning
    2nd offense= after-class
    3rd offense= parent phone call and/or detention
    Severe Clause= Immediate offfice referral

  6. Topics:
  7. Sexuality and Sex Roles
    Sex and the Media
    Puberty and Adolescence
    Reproductive Systems
    Pregnancy, Labor and Birth
    Teen Pregnancy
    Healthy Relationships
    Abusive Relationships
    STD's and HIV/AIDS

    Special Project-

    Baby Think It Over
    Alternate Project