Clicking the Tools & Help button will take you to NorthNet's pages for settings and basic Q&A's needed to connect to NorthNet. These pages include: PPP settings, TCP/IP settings, Netscape settings and answers to many of the basic questions asked here at NorthNet.
These pages will give you some insight into the amazing world of the Macintosh - the adjustments and configurations that can be used to enhance its use. Included here you will find: links to updates, shareware programs and a host of ideas from many Mac users.
Here you can find things to try out and evaluate. We will try to keep files here that are new, updated versions or just plan good. With new versions being offer so often it is usually a good idea to try to keep up with these upgrades. Most of the time an upgrade is a bug fix, these bugs can cause instability and crashes, the upgrade usually addresses these problems.