Northern New York Poultry Fanciers Newsletter

The April and Mar meeting of the club will be held on April 18 1998 at the Madrid Library. At this meeting final business for the show will be ironed out. Anyone who would like to be involved with the show should come to this meeting.This meeting will be held after entries close, we will know how many entries there are and how many cages are needed. We will also know how much help we need to setup the cages.

The show and swap meet will be held May 3,1998 at the Waddington Arena in Waddington,N.Y. The starting time is 9:00 AM. There will also be a raffle of donated items. Come and support your club. Entry forms have already been mailed, if you did not receive one or you need more call Bob Robert, show secretary at 315-322-5542.

The club would like to thank Bob Robert for his many long hours as show secretary. Also all the other members that have put in long hours and miles to make this show the best we can.

If anyone in the club would like to link up on the Web, please provide me with your e-mail address. I have had requests for these from club members that would like to talk. You may also put any pictures or news of club events on the web. There are also many clubs, suppliers and hatcheries on-line.

The ice storm seemed to effect egg production with members I have been in contact with. If you have been having success let us know your secret. Some members are not even bothering with hatching this year.

For people who need their flocks tested for showing the contact person is:
John Martin 1-518-497-6855.

We will be having a work day counting cages and building stands for them at Mark Rinehart's March 21st at 9:00 AM. For more info. call 287-2058.

People are needed to help set up cages for the show both Friday May lst at 6:00 and Saturday May 2nd at 8:00.

Check your mailing label to see when your dues expire. If yours have and you do not renew, this will be your last news letter.

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