Shoppers' Guide

the useful Yellow Page or the Virtual Nature Center Shoppe- everybody's got one !
Bear With$$$

For under $100 per participant, you can outfit your own do-it-yourself nature center with much individual field equipment, shared binoculars and microscopes, and a bat detector and UV light for the group.

The Wish List: Some Suppliers

You will probably want to talk - gasp ! - with these folks in an old-fashioned phone call to see what sort of a deal you can strike.

If that prospect daunts you, your nerve fails, read the PETER DUNNE ARTICLE and visit the PHILOSOPHY BEAR.

By now you are probably becoming more aware of what a small fraction of the earth’s marvelous creatures we poor humans can see and hear with our unaided eyes and ears. We have a marvelous planet, with a wealth of under-appreciated flora and fauna. To see it, to know it, it is to value it; absolutely necessary if we are to preserve it.