
Cog-Buster - for Smooth Slip Torque

A major improvement in hysteresis brakes and clutches (U.S. Patent # 5,238,095) makes slip torque smooth under virtually all operating conditions


If you've used a hysteresis brake, you're already familiar with their wonderful characteristics - long life (since torque is produced without physical contact of any parts), highly repeatable torque, long term stability and wide speed range. The characteristics are ideal for most tensioning, coil winding, load simulation, and torque testing applications.
If you're not using a Placid brake, you're probably familiar with cogging.

Sad Face

Brakes from other manufacturers cog. Cogging is pulsating output torque. The brake tries to lock into preferred positions - about 12 to 25 positions per revolution, depending on the number of primary poles.
Cogging occurs continuously after the input current is decreased substantially, while the shaft was stopped or moving quite slowly. For example, while setting up for a tensioning application, if the operator even momentarily adjusts the input current higher than needed, and then lowers the current, the brake will cog, and continue to cog at the lower torque setting, until manually decogged.

Brakes without our Cog-Buster feature must be manually de-cogged.

To manually de-cog:
1) Increase input current (and torque) to the highest value previously used.
2) Turn the shaft while simultaneously decreasing the input current to zero.

That's not very convenient, especially if the brake is in a remote location within your machine. If the machine operator is not trained or aware about cogging, your critical application could be run with pulsating torque. The cogging could yield false test data or sub-standard or ruined end product.


To decog a brake with the Cog-Buster feature, simply turn the shaft one turn. That's it. Within one revolution, the brake will automatically be decogged, regardless of the chosen torque.

Five models, H11 brake, rated from 0.4 to 11 oz-in., H35 brake, rated from 0.7 to 35 oz-in., H85 brake, rated from 3 to 85 oz.-in., H140 brake, rated from 5 to 140 oz-in., and H250 brake, rated from 9 to 250 oz-in. are available from stock. All feature the Cog-Buster, and also are completely enclosed, to keep debris from jamming rotating parts. Standard D.C. coil voltages: 6, 12, & 24, & 90.

With a Placid Industries hysteresis brake, with the Cog-Buster feature, your web handling, torque testing, load simulation or any application will run smoother and better.

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