*** The Portfolio ***
The entire content of these pages, including all text, photographs and art work are copyright ©Gary Walts. Nothing contained herein may be used or reproduced without express permission from Gary Walts. All photos presented are available as stock and can be licenced for use.
Black & White People

Spring morning, two friends meet and discuss worldly topics in a downtown section of a small northern NY city.

Former California Governor Jerry Brown campaigns at Syracuse University while seeking the democratic presidential nomination.

Meeting of the minds. Local friends gather every morning at the Palace Restaurant, a small diner in Watertown, NY.

Extra police maintain a presence in the Lake Ontario port city of Oswego, NY during the annual Harborfest. Isn't it nice to be so well protected?
OK, Now I want to see...
Something Natural
His Cat Smokey
Corporate Stuff
News Photos
Other Shots
and more...
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If you would like to inquire about assignment, stock photography, or fine art, or just want to send a message, please email to: waltsphoto@aol.comGary Walts Photography
PO Box 801
Watertown, NY 13601 USA
Phone: 315-649-4174
Created 4/17/96. Modified March 3, 1997.
©1996, 1997 Gary Walts, All Rights Reserved